There a scene in both Anime and Manga where it cuts to Ging, sitting on the back of giant frog. In Great Mazinger - one of the Mazinger Z sequels - an entire division of the army of Robeasts were giant birds.A predator in the sense that it can be employed in war. In The Dragon Dentist, the dragon of the title is an extremely giant flying beast slowly undulating through the sky, with a village perched like cliff-dwellings on it to house the dentists, also of the title.

Often times it's someone's partner Digimon (such as ShineGreymon), though there are a few notable exceptions (such as Azulongmon). Also not to be confused with the paper type of flyer. Not to be confused with large airplanes and airships for those, see Cool Plane, Cool Airship, and Plane Spotting. In fiction, if any effort is made at all to explain why an overly large flying creature can exist, the go-to explanations are low-gravity planets and magic. The largest bird species generally spend most of their flight time gliding rather than flying, and prefer to land on a high point rather than the ground, as they tend to need a downward dive at the beginning of a flight to build up momentum. Pterosaurs evolved to be much larger, but then anything bigger than a Quetzalcoatlus (wingspan about 10m) is running up against the Square-Cube Law - it gets really difficult to take off, since the wings become too heavy to overcome their own weight, let alone the rest of the body. In Real Life, the largest flying birds are limited by the manner in which avian flight feathers grow, and historically have never been much bigger than even modern condors and albatrosses (wingspan about 3.5m) with the exception of the condor-like Argentavis and the seagoing Pelagornis sandersi (both with wingspans perhaps up to 7m). Compare Our Dragons Are Different, Dragon Rider, Feathered Fiend, Eldritch Abomination, Terror-dactyl, Roc Birds, Thunderbird, Space Whale, Living Gasbag, Living Ship and Winged Humanoid. Note that Giant Flyers can be either literally gigantic or just relatively large compared to the other characters. Such scenes in The Lord of the Rings earned this subtype the name " Deus ex Machina Airlines" from the Harvard Lampoon parody Bored of the Rings. Where such Giant Flyers appear, expect there to be at least one scene where they must swoop down to rescue a non-flying character who has fallen from a great height. As mentioned in Horse of a Different Color, an animal that can fly and be ridden on is probably the most-desired fantasy mount. Deus Ex Machina Airlines: Giant Flyers as Big Damn Heroes.The name was coined by Diana Wynne Jones' in The Tough Guide to Fantasyland.

They may either attack the heroes on their lonesome, serve as steeds for the Big Bad's servants, or both. Leathery Winged Avians: (Never mind the fact that many of them are feathery winged instead.) These Giant Flyers will act much like the first type, but will do so on the local Big Bad's account, and will often look uglier or more monstrous than the "natural" kind to reflect this.Generally, the Flying Predator version isn't outright evil.