To open the pallete, press ctrl+shift+p (Windows, Linux) or cmd+shift+p (OS X). Package Control is driven by the Command Pallete. If you type shift+super+p in a file it will let you see the current selections.

Once open, copy/paste the following command into the console: import urllib2,os pf='Package Control.sublime-package' ipp=sublime.installed_packages_path() os.makedirs(ipp) if not os.path.exists(ipp) else None urllib2.install_opener(urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.ProxyHandler())) open(os.path.join(ipp,pf),'wb').write(urllib2.urlopen(''+pf.replace(' ','%20')).read()) print 'Please restart Sublime Text to finish installation' To set up Sublime Text Package Control, navigate to Tools > Install Package Control: Installing Sublime Package Control. Installation In Sublime Text, open Command Palette, find and run Package Control: Add Repository command From Command Palette, run Package Control: Install. Solved-In Sublime Text 3, how do you enable Emmet for JSX files-Reactjs. This is accessed via the ctrl+` shortcut. u tiên bn bm Ctrl + Shift + P, ri gõ Install Package, gõ tip Emmet và nhn Enter cài t plugin này cho Sublime Text nhé.
Installation is through the Sublime Text 2 console. Emmet là gì Emmet là mt plugin giúp code nhanh và tin li hn cho các trình son tho code. The core of this plugin is a powerful abbreviation engine which allows you to expand expressions-similar to CSS selectors-into HTML code. Download Package Control.sublime-package and copy it. Browse up a folder and then into the Installed Packages/ folder. Repeat the process for the package LiveServer.

After successful installation of package manager, it is. After installation is complete, search for Package Control: Install Package and select it. This package enables you to type dynamic CSS expressions or ‘abbreviations’ and have them expand into fully-functioning code. Sublime Text command palette can be accessed by Cmd + Shift + P on Mac and Ctrl + Shift + P on Windows.
Use the guide below on how to install it. If the command palette/menu method is not possible due to a proxy on your network or using an old version of Sublime Text, the following steps will also install Package Control: Click the Preferences > Browse Packages menu. If you’re a front end developer or otherwise spend a lot of time working with HTML and CSS, then Emmet is a must-have addition to your toolset. What is Zen Coding? Zen Coding is an editor plugin for high-speed HTML coding and editing. Install and use Emmet Installing plugins for Sublime Text 2 can be tricky.